Browse Items (8 total)
12,000 lb hammer. Atlas Steels. Welland, ON. (#2)
12,000 lb hammer. Atlas Steels. Welland, ON. (#3)

Colour slide showing the Welland Historical Society exhibit at the Rose Festival Arts & Crafts show in Chippawa Park, June 1976.

Colour slide showing the front of Welland Public Library's Carnegie building at 140 King Street, c. 1963.

Two colour slides showing the work being done to convert the old front entrance to a window during the Welland Public Library building extension construction, September 29, 1975.

The front entrance was led up to by a stone staircase outside, so…

Black and white photograph of Queen Street School, c. 1972.

The school opened in 1915 and relieved overcrowding at First Street School. It closed in 1981. It then housed the Welland Museum from 1984-2006, when it moved to the old library building…

Colour photograph of the mural "Canal Construction" by Bas Degroot, c. 1991.

Painted in 1988 by Bas Degroot of Winger, ON, at 140 King Street, 27' X 17'.

The subject is the construction of the Welland Canal bypass and the relationship between…
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