Proceedings of the Welland Library
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Proceedings of the Welland Library
Check out this copy of an original document from 1825!
This document shows proceedings of the first anniversary of the Welland Library. This meeting was held at the School House near Brown Bridge on Saturday, November 26, 1825.
Such was their enthusiasm that these pioneers trekked through wilderness on snow packed bridle paths in the cold of November to meet. These men were British United Empire Loyalist and Irish who came to work on the canal. The first book purchased was Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations and other titles in history, travel, fiction and current affairs.
This document shows proceedings of the first anniversary of the Welland Library. This meeting was held at the School House near Brown Bridge on Saturday, November 26, 1825.
Such was their enthusiasm that these pioneers trekked through wilderness on snow packed bridle paths in the cold of November to meet. These men were British United Empire Loyalist and Irish who came to work on the canal. The first book purchased was Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations and other titles in history, travel, fiction and current affairs.
“Proceedings of the Welland Library,” Welland Public Library Local History, accessed March 5, 2025,