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Black and white photograph showing dignitaries laying the cornerstone for the Welland County Library building at 650 South Pelham Road in Welland, July 21, 1954.

From left to right: G.H. Hamilton, Mary Alvin, Reeve Hugh Summers, and county Warden…

Two black and white photographs of the official opening of the Welland County Library building, October 20, 1954. From left to right: Librarian Keith Crouch, Deputy Chairman George F. Broadley of Fort Erie, County Warden Claude Brewster, Dr. C.F.…

Two black and white photographs of the Welland County Library building at 650 South Pelham Road, c. 1957. It was built in 1954.

Colour photograph of the new Welland County Bookmobile parked at the Welland County Library, c. 1960.

It would later be purchased by Welland Public Library and operated by that institution from 1972-1979, when they replaced it with another…
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