Browse Items (31 total)

A short biography of Ross Beard in the Tribune. After his success with the murals, it mentions his upcoming art showcase with framed prints to be sold.

Colour photograph of the brick mosaic mural "New World" by Bas Degroot, c. 1991.

Constructed in 1990 by Bas Degroot of Winger, ON, at 77 Division Street, 80' X 20'.

This was the Festival of Arts' only non-painted mural. It contains nearly…

Colour photograph of the mural "Canal Construction" by Bas Degroot, c. 1991.

Painted in 1988 by Bas Degroot of Winger, ON, at 140 King Street, 27' X 17'.

The subject is the construction of the Welland Canal By-Pass and the relationship between…

Colour photograph of the mural "Canal Digging" by Brian Romagnoli, c. 1991.

Painted in 1988 by Brian Romagnoli of Lincoln, ON, at 176 King Street (formerly Conlin Engineering building), 28' X 31'.

The mural places the viewers back in 1824 and…

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Colour photograph of the mural "Downtown Welland" by Phillip Woolf, c. 1991.

Painted in 1989 by Phillip Woolf of Toronto, ON, at 14 King Street, 60' X 14'.

This was the first of two murals illustrating commercial life in early Welland. It…

Colour photograph of the mural "Education" by Risto Turunen, c. 1991.

Painted in 1989 by Risto Turunen of Lambeth, ON, at 285 East Main Street (formerly YMCA building, facing Division Street), 59' X 20'.

This mural features the history of…

Colour photograph of the mural "Lift Bridges" by Greg Garand, c. 1991.

Painted in 1988 by Greg Garand of Toronto, ON, at 31 West Main Street, 64' X 15'.

The mural depicts a ship passing through the city at dusk, after the city has calmed from…

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Colour photograph of the mural "Little Helper" by Dan Sawatzky, c. 1991.

Painted in 1989 by Dan Sawatzky of Chemainus, BC, at 225 East Main Street, 40' X 18'.

Family camraderie developed on the farm is captured in this local, yet universal…

Colour photograph of the mural "Main Street" by Mike Svob, c. 1991.

Painted in 1989 by Mike Svob of Coquitlam, BC, at 22 King Street, 58' X 17'.

Two views are portrayed in this mural of early downtown Welland. On the right, a mid-19th century…

Colour photograph of the mural "Paint By Number Mural" by over 800 people, c. 1991.

Painted in 1989 by over 800 people, at 300 Lincoln Street East (Lincoln Centre), 130' X 9'.

837 adults and children participated in the painting project. The…
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