Browse Items (6 total)

Scanned copy of the proceedings of the council of Welland County for 1856, the first year of the County.

It contains five sessions: August 18, September 15, December 1, December 29, and January 12, 1857. The meetings were held at the Welland…

Scanned copy of the proceedings of the council of Welland County for 1857.

It contains seven sessions: January 26, March 2-4, May 4-9, May 20-21, July 29, October 27-28, and January 15-16 1858.

The meetings were held at the Welland County…

no margins-compressed.pdf
Scanned copy of the proceedings of the council of Welland County for 1858.

It contains four sessions: January 25-26, April 6-10, August 7, and December 21.

The meetings were held at the Welland County Courthouse.

Welland County was the…

Scanned copy of the proceedings of the council of Welland County for 1859.

It contains six sessions: January 25-26, April 18-21, May 12, August 30, September 17, and December 19.

The meetings were held at the Welland County…

Scanned copy of the proceedings of the council of Welland County for 1860.

It contains five sessions: January 24-25, May 1-5, September 3, December 20-22, and December 27-29.

The meetings were held at the Welland County Courthouse.


Scanned copy of the proceedings of the council of Welland County for 1861.

It contains four sessions: January 22-23, June 3-8, October 7-8, and December 17-19.

The meetings were held at the Welland County Courthouse.

Welland County was the…
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