Browse Items (173 total)

Two black and white photographs of an unidentified uniformed group marching in the Centennial Parade, July 1958.

Two colour slides showing traffic backed up on East Main Street waiting for lift bridge to lower, March 1972.

Traffic being backed up in the downtown core was a regular occurrence in Welland, but 1972 was the last year for it as the Welland Canal…

Black and white photographic print of the front of the Ross Company store, on the corner of East Main and King Streets, c. 1907.

An article from the 1922/03/14 edition of The Welland Tribune, discussing the opening of the new Lambert Building, which housed the Reeta Hotel and Lambert Theatre. It occupied the location on East Main Street where the current Welland Civic Square…

Teeswater-Culross Fire Department at Rose Parade, summer 1968. The photos were taken near 195 East Main Street.

The slides were donated to the library by John H. Flett.

Black and white photograph of T.N. Morrison and Al Lacavera waving from their car during the opening of the Main Street Tunnel for the Welland Canal By-Pass project. Al Lacavera was president of the Chamber of Commerce, and T.N. Morrison was the…

Colour slide showing spectators at the Rose Parade on East Main Street, summer 1964.

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Black and white photographic print of a view of the south side of East Main Street showing Mansion House and Dexter House, c. 1870.

Black and white photograph showing the smoke-eaters of another day, the Welland Fire Department in the Centennial Parade, July 1958. Future mayor and MP for Welland Allan Pietz is seated on the left.

Colour slide showing the Sherwood Activity Centre float at Santa Claus Parade, November 1975. The float had a theme about the old woman who lived in a shoe.

The CIBC and Eaton's buildings can be seen in the background. The photo was taken along…
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