Brief history of Canada Foundries and Forgings, Ltd., c. 1930. It was an acquisition of three existing companies: James Smart Manufacturing Co., Canada Forge Company, and the Canadian Billings and Spencer Company.
Brief history of Empire Cotton Mills of Welland, c. 1930. Names of owners, officers, and managers mentioned are C. T. Grantham, Colonel James Woods, Colonel Smart, Lieut. Colonel James W. Woods, Nelson A. Batchelder, Brock Grant, H. A. Fifield,…
Brief history of the Canadian Mead Morrison Company of Welland. It was originally founded by Matthew Beatty, and operated under various forms and names from 1861-1963.
From the book "History of the Niagara Peninsula and the New Welland Canal" by…
Colourized photographic postcard of the plant of Canada Forge Company. Part of the "Souvenir Folder of Welland, Ontario" by F. H. Leslie, c. 1923. A black and white copy of the same image is also included.
Black and white photograph of employees cutting rope for grummets at the Plymouth Cordage Company, c. 1940s. The man on the right is identified as Allen (Chick) Fishleigh.