Browse Items (255 total)
Black and white photo of the Y.M.C.A. Welland building, as well as Early School and Sea Cadets.
Black and white photograph of Charlie Austen opening a postal box inside the Post Office.

Black and white photographic print of the New Dominion Store, owned by J. Carnochan.

Black and white photographic print of the G.W. Sutherland Building on East Main Street between King and Cross Streets, 1906.

Black and white photographic print of the front of the Moore & Son storefront.
Black and white photograph of the restaurant Bright Spot on King Street, near Railway Tracks. The photo is substantially damaged.

Black and white photographic print of The Welland Rectory, near Prince Charles Drive, c. 1905.

Undated photo of City Hall and the new Post Office in Welland.

Undated photo of public buildings in Welland, including City Hall.

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Colour photograph of the Grey Gables Coach House building in 1983. The photo was taken by well known artist Ross Beard as inspiration for his paintings.
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