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Two colour slides of a view of the fiction area in the Boys and Girls department at Welland Public Library, c. 1963.

Two colour slides with a view of the non-fiction area in the Boys and Girls department at Welland Public Library, c. 1963.

Three colour slides with views of the Boys and Girls department, as seen from the entrance, at Welland Public Library, c. 1963.

In 1895, the library officially was known as The Welland Public Library in accordance with The Public Library Act. During this time:
- Books were classified and numbered.
- There was a reading room.
- Fines and membership were charged.
- A copy…

Last week, we introduced the beginning history of the library.
Now in 1858, The Welland Library Association amalgamated with "The Mechanic's Institute of Merrittsville" to become the "Welland Mechanic's Institute". This meeting took place at The…

In November of 1944, Chief Librarian, Miss Mary Alvin spoke to the Library Board in regard to the establishment of a Film Library at Welland Library in connection with the National Film Board at Ottawa. In November of 1946, the library became a…

WPL_Welland_Fire_and_Fire_Department_012 (1).jpg
Every Thursday, we showcase a piece of history of the library as we begin to celebrate our 100 year anniversary.
Now, between 1877- 1880, The Mechanic's Institute had received local contributions and a provincial grant.
As well at the time, the…

In 1931, the library decided to begin its collection of multilingual books. They first asked a Hungarian priest for a list of Hungarian books suitable for library use.
A few years later, the same request would be made of the French priest for French…

Moving a Library - In May of 2005, the Library moved to its current facility at 50 The Boardwalk as part of the new City of Welland Civic Square. The official opening was held on June 28, 2005

The fifties are here!!
Check out this photo of librarian Miss Ivy White handing out library cards. All students attending schools in Welland were classed as residents and were granted cards.
: October 1951
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