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Colour slide showing the Knox Presbyterian Church sign outside on Fitch Street, c. 1972. The Reverend is identified as Gerald E. Graham.

From the Orline Clements Memorial Collection.

Colour slide showing the Knox Presbyterian Church along Fitch Street, from February 1973. The Reverend on the sign is identified as Gerald E. Graham.

Knox Presbyterian Church has since been renamed to Hope Community Church.

From the Orline…

Colour slide showing the building for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, February 1973. It was located on the corner of Fitch Street and Willson Road, and prior to this was used as a school.

From the Orline Clements Memorial Collection.

weld-919 (2).jpg
Black and white photographic print of a postcard of Central Methodist Church, now Central United, on the corner of Young and King Streets, c. 1920. The second image in the files is a colour slide of the same postcard.

Three colour slides showing an event titled "Ethnic luncheon" at All People's United Church, June 9, 1975. This was part of the Rose Festival weekend.

The church was at the corner of Chaffey and Hill Streets and served the community from…

Two colour slides showing church members enjoying luncheon at Hungarian Presbyterian Church on Mother's Day, May 11, 1975.

Hungarian Presbyterian Church was at the corner of Second Street and Plymouth Road from 1963 to 2012, and was later known as…

Five colour slides showing a bake sale and supper at Knox Presbyterian Church, St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1972.

Knox Presbyterian Church is located on Fitch Street, and is now renamed to Hope Community Church.

Two colour slides showing church members quilting at Knox Presbyterian Church, c. 1972. In the second image, the woman is identified as "Mrs. Smith."

Colour slide showing a Bazaar and Christmas Tea event at Knox Presbyterian Church, November 1974.

Knox Presbyterian Church is located on Fitch Street, and is now renamed to Hope Community Church.

Three colour slides showing attendees at a garage sale and flea market event at Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church, September 1975.
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