Trains & Railways

Dublin Core


Trains & Railways


Welland was known as the place where "rails and water meet," which highlights the importance of railways to be ranked alongside the Welland River and Welland Canal. The railways served Welland as a hub of manufacturing between Buffalo and Toronto, and also served as transportation for residents to other cities in Niagara and beyond.

Collection Items

Welland Railway Bridge
Welland railway bridge. Train waiting for passing ship

Michigan Central Railway Bridge
Michigan central railway bridge, west side view looking north-east.

CN train crossing the bridge in Dain City
CN train crossing the bridge in Dain City

Dain City Railroad bridge
Dain City railroad bridge.

Inauguration of Trolley Service, East Main St. Welland
Black and white photograph showing East Main St. Welland, c. January 1912 (the 1914 date is incorrect), with the downtown streetcar system named the Niagara, Welland and Lake Erie Railway beginning its run on muddy, unpaved streets.

C. N. R. Station, Welland
Black and white photograph of the Welland Railway (later Grand Trunk Railways) depot, undated. This depot was built 1903 and moved to Dain City in the 1920s.

Grand Trunk Railway Station, Welland
Black and white photograph of the Grand Trunk Railway Station, undated.

Michigan Central Railway Station, Welland
Black and white photograph of Michigan Central Railway Station, undated.

The NS&T Railway Near the Fairgrounds, Oct. 6, 1909
Black and white photograph of the NS&T (Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto) Railway near the fairgrounds, Oct. 6, 1909, with people getting off to go to the fairgrounds.

Michigan Central Station, Welland, ON
Colourized photo postcard of the Michigan Central Railway Station, undated.
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