Colour slide showing a fire department at the Rose Parade with an old pumper with the year 1908 on it, summer 1968. The photo was taken near 195 East Main Street.
The slide was donated to the library by John H. Flett.
Colour slide showing a fire department officer riding on antique equipment drawn by horses at the Rose Parade, summer 1968. The photo was taken near 195 East Main Street.
The slide was donated to the library by John H. Flett.
Two colour slides showing majorettes named "Les Oiseaux Bleus de St. Jean Baptiste" (The Blue Birds of St. John the Baptist) performing at the Rose Parade, summer 1968. The photo was taken near 195 East Main Street.
Four colour slides showing unidentified majorettes and majors performing at the Rose Parade, summer 1968. "St. M" can be seen on the uniform so they may be from St. Mary Catholic School. The photos were taken near 195 East Main Street.
Six colour slides showing an unidentified group of majorettes performing at the Rose Parade, summer 1968. The photos were taken near 195 East Main Street.
The last image shows the Loblaws, Courthouse, and the Main Street Bridge.